Caregiver Program
Elderly Care (UK Standard L3)
A good caregiver requires a wide skill set to meet all the challenges of day-day elderly patient care. Illness + disabilities, Safety Hazards, Personal Care and Housekeeping around the elderly requires knowledge for a professional caregiver to have compassion, sympathy and best practices.Our course offers a real insight into Elderly Caregiving with UK standard course and real experience utilizing life-like simulators and curriculum to help understand the physical, emotional, and social effects of caring for elderly 24 hours a day.
Elderly Care

- Exploring Geriatrics + Gerontology
- Visual Impairment
- Declining mobility
- Impact of ageing on bones and joints
- Hearing Loss
- Cognitive changes with ageing
- The geriatric impairment experience
(Hearing-Arthritis and Tremor)
Adults with Autistic
Spectrum and ADHD

- Adults diagnosed late with Autism or ADHD, the challenges of life skills from childhood to adult-hood.
- Depression and anxiety
- Challenges of Understanding
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Learning + Cognitive Support
- Language + Speech
- Medical and Wellbeing
- Mobility and Dexterity
Caregiver Program
Adults with Autistic Spectrum and ADHD
(UK Standard L3)
This course focuses on understanding adults on the
Autistic Spectrum and some techniques for the most
effective life skills with learning and cognitive support.
Carlos Mathews
Nurse Asst.
I registered on an ACOUP Training Institute course for elderly care – I was enrolled quickly and now have a full-time job because of it, thank you!
ACOUP Training Institute has a fantastic team and trainers who really know what they’re talking about, the course was well-organised as well as great facilities in ideal location!
Regina Miles
The Child Care at Home course was perfect for our nanny so she could develop her skills and is now KHDA certified, we’ve really seen a difference!